Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The work begins...

Flexibility. That's what Pastor Matt told this team they would need to "pack" for this trip. The most important thing he told them they could do is to do whatever is asked of them. They did that today. They put in a full day of hard work for the first day of camp. They haven't reached their final destination of the youth camp at this point. Their first day was to work with the entire group (nearly 80 youth and leaders) at another site. If I understood Matt correctly (sometimes I have a hard time understanding him when he's on his cell - we've never had to talk transcontinentally, not sure if that was the issue, or if he might just mumble???) they were at an orphanage/children's camp today, pouring cement for a soccer field. They worked very hard all day, but he said it was a good day. Because it is winter in Peru, it was dark by 6:00-6:30 pm (they are in our same time zone-CST), so they didn't have to work past dark. Tonight they will sleep on a cement floor (thank you, Lord, for sleeping mats!). The building they are in tonight is only part way finished - not sure if there is any type of roof, and Matt said if it were located here, it would house 8 people; tonight, it will hold nearly 80! Flexibility...good thing they packed it...

Matt said they will head to their actual camp "site" tomorrow. He does not know what is on the schedule at this point for tomorrow. He did say they will not be going to the dump site, but instead will do construction on Monday at the Nor Oeste church site. It's hard work, but the team has done well, and the cooler days (60 degrees today) makes labor easier.

Matt asked that we continue to pray for the team's health/well-being. This was the first full day of foreign food - so far everyone is feeling well and not have tummy issues. Pray that continues. It might be hard to be at the camp and be sick. Also hard to be separated from the team if they need to be at the guest house...So please pray for health and strength for the team. Matt has not been able to receive data on his phone, so the team won't be able to update the blog until late on Friday. Until then, I'll try to keep you updated when he's able to give us all a call.

Good night praying friends -


  1. Thanks for updating us, Wendy. It certainly gives us an idea of how to pray more specifically! Praying you onward, team!!

  2. Yes, thanks for the update! It's wonderful to hear how they are doing and I can't wait to see what's in store!! We will continue to lift them up in prayer and pray for God's hedge of protection over the entire team as they continue on their journey.

    God bless! <><

  3. You've gotta love a 3rd world country! When they say be flexible, they're right. Which is one of the really nice things about how they live. They don't schedule life like we do and then hold to it. THey do things as they become necessity. So, if pouring a soccer field is important, then that's what they do. I'm glad to hear the team is adapting to it. I believe somewhere in the Bible it says something about, "When I call on you, will you come with me, or will you need to go and say goodbye to your family and such." Being on a mission trip is just that. You can have a schedule that is finitely detailed, but God says, "It's MY plans, in MY time." Maybe the Peruvians have a step up on us with that type of thinking...

    Praise the Lord that you are all able to be working with the youth and walking with the Lord. As Pastor Tom said in church this past Sunday, you might think what you are doing right now is unfair or difficult, but the big picture is only seen by our Savior himself and possibly by us later down the road. HOld Fast, the Lord is with you. Enjoy this time, before you know it, you'll be back in MN wishing you were back in Peru working in HIS time.

    God bless each and everyone of you. Which again, Pastor Tom reminded us on Sunday means...
    May you be able to fulfill the task of the call God has placed on your life!

