Friday, July 31, 2009

Birthdays-Peruvian Style

Dear Families and Friends -

I have a wonderful boss, who let my son call me today on his 17th birthday. THANK YOU, MATT - You are my favorite FM Pastor of all time - no exceptions!! It was so good to talk to him (and hear everyone else in the background!) Tonight they are back at the guest house. The computers are slow, so they will try to update this tomorrow or Sunday. I have to admit, Tommy sounded older tonight (I honestly thought he was Matt at first - his voice was almost as low as Matt's tonight - that's the allergies he's experiencing). When I asked if they'd done anything for him last night when the camp celebrated birthdays, he said, "Oh yeah - didn't Matt tell you? It's a tradition here to take a full cake and give it to you - then shove it in your face!" Welcome to Peru, honey! Here you go! He said he was a gracious sport - and I'm guessing it was a nice change from all the chicken and rice!

Overall, they are doing pretty well. Tommy said everyone's allergies are pretty bad - feeling lots of effects from the dust. No one is sick yet, despite not having bottled water until tonight. Please pray that the filtered water they drank at the camp will stay "filtered" inside and not make these guys sick. Some of the team have felt like throwing up - hopefully that was more the bus ride and not something else brewing. They also received many bug bites that have their legs swollen. Apparently the e-mail instructions to bring bug spray never reached our team...most unfortunate. Hopefully some Benadryl will help them all sleep and get rid of some swelling.

Tomorrow's schedule includes the market and hopefully the beach. Please pray all will feel good to be able to enjoy a more relaxing day. Sunday is church, church and more church - but we'll get to hear from them when Pastor Matt calls us during our worship services at 9:00 and 10:45. Monday is still scheduled as a construction day. Then they start for home on Tuesday night.

I will let the team fill in a lot of blanks & details I haven't been able to tell you about (because I only get a few brief minutes on international cell time!) Hopefully they will get a chance to talk to all of you soon! Please keep those prayers of support coming their way so this team can finish well.

Blessings on your night -


  1. Thank you for the wonderful update, Wendy! I can picture Tom "enjoying" that cake! :) Enjoy your "day off" today, Team! Praying you'll feel well despite bug bites and allergies. Miss you and can't wait to hear all about your trip!

  2. this is really great. I wishing to you just enjoying.

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