Sunday, August 2, 2009

So good to hear from the team!

We got to hear Matt's voice during 1st service today! He is doing much better - not sick like last night, so that is good news. There were technical difficulties 2nd service - that was a bummer! We kept calling - got his voicemail. He kept waiting for us to call...

I did get to talk with Matt toward the end of 2nd service (Riverside's 2nd service). The team is doing pretty well, but Tommy, Anna, Matt and Sam have all had the crud...Matt anticipates it will go through the whole team before it's done. Other teams down there are getting fevers, etc. Thankfully, our team has not battled that - at least not yet. He said Tommy was the worst so far - my poor kid! Birthday boys suffers - hopefully the love songs carried him through (or the Immodium!) They have been able to do stuff yesterday and church today, but they have taken it easy if they were not feeling well.

Their schedule is full today, but Matt is hopeful that they will be able to upload some pictures on a faster laptop that they located and hopefully will be able to update this as well. Please keep praying - for safety during construction, for sickness to be short-lived and manageable, for no dehydration, etc. Matt said he won't be calling me until some time tomorrow, so hopefully they will be able to update you along the way until I hear from them again.

Blessings on this beautiful MN day -

1 comment:

  1. The team is doing pretty well good friends
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