Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Homeward Bound!

The team is in Miami! The plane landed about 6:55 (EST). They are doing well. I received a fun message from Matt in the night...Here's what he said: "We are safely in Lima and just finished a traditional Peruvian meal - El Papa Juan's Pizza..." Makes me laugh! I have missed my boss' sense of humor! It's been mighty quiet at church without him and Rhonda! It's been quiet at home, too, without Tommy. He also has a great sense of humor - and his brother and sister (and Mom & Dad) have missed him! So it will be good to have them all home. I'm sure you're all anxious to hear from them.

Arrival time - keep checking the flight status for their flight. They are supposed to land @ 3:51 pm - so we're hoping to pick them up by 4:30 - which means back at church by 5:45-6:00 depending on traffic. I'll do my best to bring the call list so we can call you if there are big - check flight status and enter flight # 573. You can request updates sent to you...If I hear anything more from the team - I'll let you know.

Have a great day and we'll see you all soon!


PS - Here are couple of pictures Lori K. sent me off Facebook. I'm not sure when they were taken, but Tommy has his "church shirt" on in the one, so I'm guessing one of the church gatherings - maybe the evening youth service??? Catch the story from the team when you get them home with you! Enjoy!


  1. Still prayin for you! You rock my world! Check it out!:

    BIG HUG!!!!

  2. Can't wait to see more photos of their time in Peru and hear all about it! Hoping the kids will post their own perspectives and stories on here when they return.

    Praying for safe travels home. God bless! <><
